Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Working on the Dossier

The last couple days have been full. Amelia and Scotty had their required physicals complete with a TB arm test. (TEARS!!) Scott and I had our blood work done. HIV test and Heb B. We had a 2nd set of paper work for the doctor to fill out and get notarized again and I was a little stressed that we would need to schedule a 2nd appointment and pay 2 more co-pays. BUT I stopped in the doctor's office yesterday morning and talked to the nicest lady at the front desk. I explained our situation and she said she would handle everything. Thank you, God. She called me 2 hours later and said I could come pick up our lab orders. She also talked to the doctor that did our first physicals and asked if she would be willing to fill out the second ones without an appointment. The answer was yes. I was nervous to ask about getting the doctor's signature notarized because she had already done so much but I really needed that to be done. When I started to say the word notarize, she interrupted me to say that the office manager was going to take care of that. I am sooo thankful to have that step done.
I stopped by our friendly neighborhood police department and talked to a great police officer that was also a NOTARY and totally willing to do our background check and our police clearance letter on office letterhead. All Scott had to do was scan and email a copy of his drivers licence to her and we can pick up the completed forms tomorrow afternoon. How awesome is that?!
Scott and I (mostly Scott) did a bunch of stuff around the house that needs to be done for our final home study visit on December 11th. Some of it should have been done right whenwe moved in but never the less, it's done now.
What's Mac going to play with now that he can't open the doors under the sink. (I'm just kidding... )

We added these little cord holders to almost every window...

At Costco Scott and I each got a set of passport pictures taken. They need them for some type of document in Ethiopia. I'm not exactly sure what since we already have our passports. I'm just thankful it's done and we can cross another thing off our list.

We wrote two letters. Both addressed to the Ministry of Women and Children of Ethiopia which is pretty amazing to think about. These very letters stating our desire to adopt are going to be translated and sent 1/2 way around the world. We also completed our 4 pages of pictures complete with name, location, date all on card stock. I'm totally not a scrapbooker so this is as good as it gets for me.

We're waiting on a couple of things to come from our life insurance company this week.
This week we have started sharing our exciting news with friends and family and their reactions have been amazing. We're so thankful for all the love and support.

This last little project still needs to be finished. About a week after we moved into our new house Amelia came crying to Scott and me. She felt terrible for breaking our new house. We told her the giant hole in the wall was no big deal. Since then we've just avoided using the handrail on the way to the basement and we've advised our guests to do the same. Not any more, my super husband replaced it and this time it's in a stud. Now we just need a little plaster and some paint and we should be all set.
Psalm 82:3-4
"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.
Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them...


  1. I love that Amelia. She'll be such a great big big big sister. I kinda hope it's a girl. :)

  2. Proud of you and each step you are completing along the way! Praying this morning for the little one God has in store for your family.

  3. I think the hilarious part is all the safety measures. Stuff we don't do for our own kids...but things that make strange adults feel better about our homes. So weird. So exited for you guys! Proud of your decision!!!

  4. I was laughing myself at the fact none of that is done (including at my own house) until some red tape requires it. I kinda hope it's a girl too! Although little black boys are possibly the cutest kids on the planet (excluding... you know!).

  5. Katie, I am so excited for you guys! I'm sorry that I haven't been keeping up on your blog. I will do a better job at that! I am just thrilled for you! I am also so excited to come along with you, every step of the way! Did you know this is my dream? To adopt from Ethiopia?! Someday we will, just waiting on God's timing.

  6. Katie, this is such exciting and amazing news! Thank you for sharing each detail...makes it soo real for us following your journey!! Praying like crazy for you and your family!!! Miss you VERY much!
