After the kids went to bed last night Scoot and I started packing. We've filled 2 bags with formula and cloth diapers.
Elecare Formula was lifesaving for our little
Scotty during his first couple years of life. It's the most expensive formula you can buy and it's by prescription. At $55.
oo per can you can imagine how thankful we were for insurance. We have 30 cans that are now expired but still good for up to 2 years (Thankfully, our little Scotty doesn't need it anymore). We talked to our agency about donating this to the extra sick babies and they were thrilled. There is a doctor on staff that will take care of all the dosing. It makes my heart feel so good to pass this "liquid gold" on to help babies.
About a week ago Scott shared with the youth group at our church about some of the needs in Ethiopia and invited them to join us in helping orphans by either donating formula or money to buy formula. He read part of an email from a family that had recently returned from Ethiopia. I want to share part of it with all of you.
Shalom (an orphanage) is truly in desperate need of our donations, and I am just begging those of you traveling soon to consider giving your donations to them. I think most families give their donations to the two orphanages in Addis (Kids Care and Kingdom Vision) because that is where we all visit, but Shalom receives nothing and the differences between them are startling. The first room we went in had one nanny on the floor with one bowl of food trying to feed six different babies and two babies were lying in their cribs without diapers on, soiled completely through. Many of the babies there were just a few days old and looked completely malnourished and almost lifeless.
Between our family and the Williams family, we donated about 250 pounds of donations today, but much of it was for older children... shoes, clothes, medicine, etc. We learned after arriving there that Shalom only takes children in up to 4 or 5 years old, so what they really need is baby items... diapers, formula, clothing, wipes, etc.
Please consider this!! The Shalom staff is very kind and loving and they are all are doing the best they can there, but the need is so great!
I am so excited for so many of you who are traveling soon for court and embassy and hope you'll consider bringing donations for Shalom!
This week Scott and I have been blown away by the generosity of families at our church. People have been amazing and the money has been pouring in. Someone stopped by our house at 9:00pm to drop off a check, another stopped me at Awana, still more have shown up to youth group with cans of formula...we are THRILLED to be able to bless so many children that are in need. Our plan is to fill our bags here with the donations we've received and with the rest of the $$ buy formula and other much needed supplies in Ethiopia next week. We are humbled to be a part of this.
So many of you have asked how you can help with our adoption. I wanted to let you know that in the next couple weeks we will have a way that you can donate to help us with the cost of bringing out little boy home!!
We leave in 5 days!!!
Acts 2:44-45
And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need.
PS- Did any of you see this? Please pray for the Christians in Ethiopia.